Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Break From the Desert

Now back to our road trip! Finally!

A pretty little flower in the middle of our campsite
As we got into Loa, Utah, we were curious about camping opportunities among trees, considering that we were growing a little bored of the desert. We needed a time out. The hotel keeper knew about what he said was a great lake area just above Loa, called the Fish Lake area. The pictures looked great, and they claim that this is home to the biggest Quaking Aspen groves in the world.

As you can probably see, the camping was a little anemic of trees. At least by the amount and kind of trees we were looking for. Most of the established campsites by the lake were out in the open with no tree cover, and it was very deserty. This is Utah, after all. So we did what we find ourselves doing often, going onto dirt roads and finding a primitive site away from everyone else. And this kind of site is free!
We had a great time despite the lack of pines, and we were fascinated by the Quaking Aspen, as the wind picked up their leaves, it looked like little sparklers going off in the forest. It was very pretty, and the night sky was filled with stars eventually.
The problems came in the middle of the night, as problems often do. We had just purchased nice air mattresses for this trip. As we laid down, me on my twin mattress, Lego on his full mattress, we expected a nice comfy night. Alas, the night grew cold. And ever colder as we started putting on more and more clothing. And ever colder as 4 am rolled around. At this point, I woke up to our SUV starting up. Panicked that someone was taking off with our vehicle, I looked around for Lego, to discover he wasn't in his bed. And then I knew he was out there warming himself up! I wasn't about to lay there and freeze my you know what off, as he got warm. So out of my sleeping bag I struggled, then struggled some more, and finally popped free and ran out into the cold night air, and straight into the arms of a cozy, warm SUV. Ah, the bliss! And that is how we spent the rest of the early morning, snuggled into the front seats, enjoying snoring the morning away.





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