Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Pocahontas!

                  WOW! The big 5-0. I can hardly believe it's here already. Where has the time gone? As kids, we wonder when we'll ever be old enough and time drags on forever. As we enter adulthood, time has a way of picking up more and more speed as it hurtles us toward infinity and beyond.

I may be one of those totally strange people out there, but I am rather enjoying turning 50. No, I don't love the aches and pains, or the gray hair, or the extra weight. But I do love my frame of mind as each year goes tumbling by, and my life just seems to get better and better. I can hardly wait to turn 60! Yikes, that is only 10 short years away! 
Looking backwards through the years, I am reminded of just how full my life has been, with all the fun, laughter, and yes, even with the painful times.  These are the events that made me who I am and have shaped my character. Conversely, looking ahead as much as any human can, I am looking forward to seeing what awaits me in the future. After this summer, I'll be in better physical shape, and hopefully will be able to stave off some of the aches and pains at least for a little longer.
Turning 50 has made me realize that I'm becoming ever more laid back about life, some would say I'm mellowing. There is a certain freedom to be had to realize I don't have to be perfect, and I don't have to worry about what others think of me so much. (Maybe in another 25 years I'll say not at all) I am free to be me! I am enjoying that tremendously. I don't feel the need to try to hide my age, I'll come right out and tell you. I think if I looked 65 right now, I would be a bit more hesitant, but I don't so I'll cheerfully let everyone know I'm 50 and proud of it!

Pardon me if I get a bit nostalgic, I just turned 50, I've earned it! I bring up the tail end of the baby boomers, that generation that bridges the gap between "The Greatest Generation" and the "Generation X" crowd.

I have personally witnessed some of the most amazing transformations in technology, where we have gone from rotary dial phones (with phone cords) to cell phones the size of a deck of cards with touch screens. Not to mention the introduction of cable and satellite T.V., the microwave, and Asteroids in the pizza parlors.

I remember when my favorite shows such as Gilligans Island and The Beverly Hillbillies went from black and white to full living color, and when the test patterns on our only three channels went away, to be replaced by thousands of channels that an insomniac could watch all night.

And then there was the moonwalk, the death of John F. Kennedy, and the end of the cold war all in my lifetime.

Birthday flowers from my parents
I grew up in a world of aluminum christmas trees with the kalidescope color wheel changing from blue to red to green to yellow, Barbie Dolls, and eating a lot of Kraft Macaroni and cheese.
I have survived chicken pox and the flu, but not polio or mumps, because the first was just about eradicated by the time I came along, and the latter had a new vaccine.

I'm grateful for the era I grew up in, the changes throughout the years have been exciting to live through.

I also owe a huge amount of gratitude to my parents, who created me, mentored me, and taught me about God. Thank you for the first 50 years of my life! I pray that we still have many more together. And also to my younger brother and sister, who have remembered most of those 50 years, and still love me anyway.

So, Happy Birthday to me, may there still be alot more to come! I'm not finished yet! I have the trail to conquer first!
A thru hikers birthday!


  1. Congrats on the Big 50!!! Carol & I hit that mark last year and agree, dispite everything, life gets better with age.

    1. Thank you Glenn and Carol for cheering me on! I wouldn't trade places with anyone younger for anything in this world. Keep Hiking!
