Friday, May 24, 2013

Tale Of Two Hikers II cont.

Whitewater Trail House
I have to write these posts in shorter segments, as this is all my computer will allow me to do.

As I was crying on my friends shoulder, they were thinking of all the ways I would be able to continue on, including hiking out with them the next day. I knew I wouldn't be able to, I still wasn't feeling well, and they are faster hikers than I am. Plus, after leaving Legasorus, I did turn around a few times to see if hiking at my own pace would allow me to continue, but I still wasn't able to muster up the energy. I was defeated! And I wanted to go home!

Now a well known hiker named Billy Goat happened to be visiting Whitewater Trail House at this time. He travels the trail every year, and is very famous within the trail community. He is pictured with his back to the camera, wearing a white hat. He is also well known for his long beard. When he heard of my needing a ride back to Palm Springs to find a way home, he offered to give me a ride, (he had his car there) and even looked up train prices and schedules for me. He then patiently waited for me to make up my mind what I wanted to do, and let me know he was ready when I was. I slept most of that day in the sun, and helped Ziggy prepare her famous salad for dinner that night.

The next day I bid fair well to my friends as they headed out to the trail, and I decided to fly back home that afternoon. This kind kind of decision is always difficult, and it comes with a lot of tears and regret. My heart yearns for the trail, but my body was saying no, I can't go on. I don't know for sure what was going on, it could be a little mix of nerves, not enough food, being dehydrated, and the constant climbing that was taking its toll. All I know is that I'm back home now, while Lego continued on. Stay tuned for more of Legasorus's adventures.


  1. Sorry to hear you have had to leave the trail, Linda. It looks like the desert is particularly hot and dry this year. I'm glad I am starting with Washington, not looking forward to the desert. Hopefully it will not be long before you are back out again. Maybe I'll see you in Oregon next year! :)

    1. Thank you for checking in, Shannon, and saying hi. The desert was pretty brutal this year, but it was also beautiful. I like this section because there are no creeks or rivers to ford, your feet stay dry. Have fun on your hike, I'll be keeping up with your hike, and it would be great to see you in Oregon next year.
