Sunday, December 30, 2012

Table for Two

What to eat while we are out there on the trail? We think that is probably one of the hardest and most personal decisions a hiker can make. Do you go cookless, or cook 3 times a day? Everyone has there own preferences, and even Legasorus and I have disagreements about this at times.
I think we have come to a good compromise this time around.

1) We have decided to cook one meal a day (dinner). Breakfast will consist of cold cereal and bars, and the rest of the day will be spent munching on trail mix, bars, and really, anything fun to munch on. Last time we cooked breakfast, and it got really tiring, especially when trying to get an early start. Oatmeal and Malto Meal soon became a chore to eat. (Can you say Boring???)

2) Legasorus has really stepped up to the challenge of testing and packaging the dinner menu. We will have 14 different dinners, so we won't have to repeat any in a two week period. We will have some of our very favorite meals, all dried and put together by Legasorus.

            A:  Potato Soup
            B:  Black Bean Soup
            C:   Kraft Macaroni and Cheese w/peas
            D:  Shredded potatoes w/cheesy, tomatoey beef (extra Yum)
            E:  Potato slices w/cheese sauce
            F:  Darn Good Chili (It is Darn Good!)
            G:  Black Bean and Rice w/taco flavor
            H:  Bear Creek Cheddar Potato w/hamburger
            I:  Creamy wild Rice w/chicken
            J:  Black bean/Pinto bean/Wild rice w/taco seasoning and crunchy onions
            K:  Black bean/Pinto bean/White rice w/taco seasoning and crunchy onions
            L:  Country gravy w/White rice and Hamburger
            M:  Country gravy w/shredded potato and Hamburger

Pocahontas will also have 20 dinners that suit her specifically, which will be different flavors of Couscous. Legasorus does not like couscous, so he may opt for something different. 

Karen & Roger - The most organized people we know
We are both big fans of resupplying in town by sending our resupply packages in the mail. It worked well last time, except for getting bored with our food somewhere in the Sierras. We only had about 4 different meals, which got old real fast. This time around, we have taken variety into account, and we will be adding some things from grocery stores along the way also for snacks. The main reason we have chosen this way again, is that on zero days, we don't want to be running all over town trying to buy supplies that may be picked over by the herd, or are subpar nutrionally. We just want to RELAX!!  We want to insert here a HUGE  thank you to Roger and Karen VanSanten for being our resuppliers. We will try to make their job as easy as possible by being organized, and by having a written schedule that will be a snap to follow.

So there you have it, a list in a nutshell of our trailside dining experience. It ain't the Ritz, but it is our little slice of heaven!

Too tempting for Angel


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